
Showing posts from August, 2021

Digi Colosseum: From Bronze to Legend

Of all the things that happened in the Digimon Story series while it was on the Nintendo DS that made me happy when playing them, my favorite is the sense of connection between the works and above all else, the characters. No one was an "unknown" there, everyone knew about everyone and everyone commented on the great achievements and heroic acts of the other heroes. Digimon Story Super Xros Wars, however, is more of a stand-alone story that doesn't connect with any of the previous games during its main story. However, after you defeat the main boss, you unlock the Digi Colosseum and finally, the game shows that aspect of the games that I mentioned. Taiki isn't just one hero in the Digital World, alone and without anyone like him. There's this entire important place totally dedicated to the heroes that appeared before Taiki, and now Taiki is going to see them, learn with them, and finally, recieve their blessing before he returns to his adventure in order to save t